An innovative method to internally line and protect pipes and a novel pedal control system for big machinery are two of five technologies in the engineering sector which will receive Government assistance to bring them to market.
Senator Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, has announced more than $2.4 million in Commercialising Emerging Technologies (COMET) grants with 38 innovations each receiving $64,000.
iNnnerline Pipe Pty Ltd, of Winthrop in WA, has a process and apparatus that internally lines pipes to form a protective coating that guards against corrosion and erosion. The final product is robust and durable and can withstand extreme environmental conditions.
Owen Custom Products Pty Ltd, of Thornlands in Queensland, is marketing its new swing pedal control system that can be used with shipping cranes, drag lines, and electric face shovels. The Owen Slimline Swing Pedal System eliminates the need for complex gear drives and parts.
Other innovations for the engineering sector to receive COMET funding include:
• an internal pipe cutter, made by IPC Developments Pty Ltd, of Buderim in Queensland, that eliminates the need to dig to access problem areas; and
• a passive steering system using an all-directional wheel developed by Romnitech Pty Ltd, of Inverloch in Victoria, which will work much better than similar types used, for example, on wheelchairs or shopping trollies.
COMET is designed to help Australian innovations into the marketplace, boosting the economy and supporting high-wage, high-skill jobs, Senator Carr says.
A COMET Business Adviser will assist the companies with market research and developing strategic business plans, IP strategies and working prototypes to bring their products to market.
The COMET Program complements the Government’s Enterprise Connect initiative which provides eligible established SMEs in the manufacturing sector with business assessments at no cost to firms and support to implement business improvement measures.