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Get to know your test instruments with new catalogue

Electrical and electronic test instruments supplier, Emona Instruments, has released a new product catalogue covering the brand’s offerings for the remainder of 2009.

The 2009 Emona Test Instruments Catalogue covers 72 pages of instrumentation and equipment for the electronics industry, industrial service and plant maintenance, industrial electrical and electrical contracting, and science and life sciences laboratories.

The Emona Catalogue is Australia’s leading dedicated instrumentation catalogue and is an invaluable reference for all engineers, technicians, scientists contractors and educators, according to Emona.

The 2009 edition features two new sections: Biomedical Safety Testing for the healthcare and healthcare services industries covering NBIP and SPO2 simulators; and electrosurgical diathermy analysers and Fuel Cells Technology and Testing covering fuel cells from 50W to 16kW and fuel cell testing from single cells to stacks of 9kW.

The 2009 catalogue also features the brand’s Digital Oscilloscope Selection Guide, showcasing what Emona claims as the country’s largest range of digital oscilloscopes from manufacturers such as Tektronix, GW, Rigol and Pico.

Other catalogue sections cover Electrical Safety covering workplace health and safety equipment, Electrical Installations & Power Testing for industrial electrical and plant maintenance, and PC-Based and Data Acquisition for life sciences laboratories, as well as traditional electronic test and measurement areas covering oscilloscopes, multimeters, power supplies, function generators and counters and RF test equipment.

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