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Fuchs opens regional lubricant laboratory in Victoria

Fuchs Lubricants aims to consolidate Australia’s position as the lubricant industry’s development hub of the Asia Pacific region, with the opening of a Regional Lubricant Laboratory and Technical Centre in Sunshine, Victoria.

The Fuchs Group works on the formulation and application technology of all types of lubricants and functional fluids. The refurbished centre will host some of the world’s most advanced equipment, and is expected to provide a boost to local and regional lubricant development and sales.

Dr Georg Lingg, Fuchs Petrolub AG Executive Board Member, responsible for the Asia Pacific and Africa regions said, “As the Australasian business plays such an important role in the South East Asian region, the new laboratory will be responsible for providing technical support to the region, and will form part of both the global research and development and the technical support program.”

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