The MathWorks will be holding free MATLAB and Simulink seminars throughout Australia in August and September. These seminars will include keynotes by MathWorks senior staff, technical presentations, demos, and in-depth master classes.
Using MATLAB And Simulink For Image And Video Processing
Engineers are increasingly faced with the challenge of rapidly transferring innovative solutions from proofs of concept to prototypes to production environments.
During this half-day seminar, MathWorks engineers will demonstrate image and video processing functionality and present case studies of customers who have solved their own technical challenges with MathWorks products. Experts will be on-hand to answer any image processing questions.
Tuesday, 19 August 8:30 – 12:30 MGSM City Campus, Sydney
Wednesday, 20 August 8:30 – 12:30 Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne
Friday, 22 August 8:30 – 12:30 Technology Park Conference Centre, Adelaide
Modelling Mechanical, Electrical, and Hydraulic Systems with Simulink for Control System Development Seminar
Simulink is an environment for multi-domain simulation and Model-Based Design for dynamic systems. Unlike text based programming languages (such as C, Fortran, or Java), Simulink offers engineers the ability to model and simulate complex dynamic systems using a graphical block diagram syntax.
During this presentation, a MathWorks Engineer demonstrate how the Simulink block libraries known as SimScape, SimMechanics, and SimHydraulics, can be used to model and simulate engineering systems all within the one common environment, Simulink. A case study from the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Melbourne will show how Simulink can be used as an end to end platform for modelling an Automotive Electromechanical Braking System.
Thursday, 21 August 8:30 – 12:30 University of Melbourne
Embedded Code Generation and Verification with MATLAB and Simulink
This seminar demonstrates how Simulink enables software engineering tasks such as detailed software specification, requirements-based testing, fixed-point design, coding, target integration, automated documentation, and verification. MathWorks engineers will demonstrate how Simulink and the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder let you generate high-integrity code that is optimized for speed, memory usage, and simplicity. Verification activities including requirements tracing and structural coverage analysis per safety-critical standards will be described.
Tuesday, 2 September 8:30 – 12:30 Monash Conference Center, Melbourne
Wednesday, 3 September 8:30 – 12:30 Duxton Hotel, Perth
Thursday, 4 September 8:30 – 12:30 Technology Park Conference Centre, Adelaide
Using MATLAB to Develop and Deploy Financial Models
Finance professionals worldwide use MATLAB and other MathWorks tools to conduct research, rapidly prototype algorithms, and develop financial models for deployment to decision makers such as actuaries, investment managers, and traders.
This seminar demonstrates how one can apply MATLAB to the financial application development process. MathWorks engineers will demonstrate how MATLAB and related toolboxes analyse data and create forecasts, measure risk, develop optimization strategies, calculate prices, determine cash flows, and more.
Tuesday, 9 September 8:30 – 12:30 Sydney
Wednesday, 10 September 8:30 – 12:30 Melbourne
Thursday, 11 September 8:30 – 12:30 Brisbane
Data Analysis with MATLAB for Excel Users
Engineers, scientists, financial analysts and data analysts worldwide use MATLAB to accelerate research and reduce analysis and development time. Attend this seminar to find out how you and your colleagues can use MATLAB and its add-on products to analyze your data more effectively and to overcome some of the limitations you face in Excel.
Tuesday, September 9 8:30 – 12:30 Duxton Hotel, Perth
Thursday, September 11 8:30 – 12:30 Crowne Plaza, Canberra
To register, visit