Soto Group Managing Director Frank Soto has been made a Fellow of the Institution
of Engineers Australia (NSW division) at the first Regional Fellows Luncheon ever
to be held in the Illawarra area. Being nominated and then made a Fellow of the
Institute is viewed as a major achievement for Mr Soto.
According to Mr Soto, being proclaimed a Fellow of an important body such
as the Institute of Engineers Australia is a matter of pride for him. He
observes that the honour brings him and his company a lot closer to likeminded
professionals and will stimulate interaction at a greater level with their peers
to the benefit of industry in general.
Having always maintained that Australian engineering companies have huge
scope to expand the fortunes of local industry, Mr Soto, a renowned engineer
himself, said that engineers in Australia are among the world’s most talented;
knowing that the Institution of Engineers Australia continues to be a major
contributor to the development of professionals in the field makes the
community even stronger.
As Managing Director of Soto Group, Frank Soto has longstanding
experience overseeing projects in all areas of industry.
More than 1500 members of the Institute are based in the Illawarra from
a broad base of engineering disciplines including construction, mining, bulk
handling, energy and communications. About 3000 students are enrolled in
engineering programmes at Wollongong University.
Engineers Australia has more than 100,000 members nationally and is
trying to raise awareness of the profession in various ways. The recent
Australian Engineering Week, for instance promoted engineering to the public so
that communities could see the ways engineers impact on the things taken for
granted in everyday life.
Mr Soto believes young Australians can confidently choose engineering as
a career right now, given the career opportunities available in the market. He
adds that engineering is a rewarding profession where one’s efforts are translated
into practical solutions; engineering qualifications are additionally recognised