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Festo to unveil robotic “kangaroo”

automation company Festo has added to its collection of robots inspired by
nature with its BionicKangaroo.

Wired and
others report that BionicKangaroo was created over two years, has a body
constructed out of foam, and is pneumatic/electric driven.

An elastic
spring acts in a similar way to a real kangaroo’s tendon, harnessing some of the energy
from each “hop” to be used in the next. It can jump 0.4 metres vertically and
0.8 metres across, according to Festo, and weighs only 7 kilograms. IEEE Spectrum notes that it is controlled by a Thalmic Labs
Myo armband

Festo’s Bionic Learning Network division has brought the world robotic
jellyfish, elephant trunks and a gull.

The official
unveiling of Festo’s creation will be at the Hannover Messe fair next week.

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