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Federal Opposition and industry important for CPRS

It is imperative for industry to become involved in negotiations about the Government’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS), according to a document from the Australian Industry Group (Ai Group).

Ai Group chief executive, Heather Ridout, said that it is “important and welcome” that the Federal Opposition now has an agenda to negotiate the CPRS.

“It’s important for business to have its voice heard in discussions between the Government and the Opposition,” she said.

“The Opposition has picked up many of the concerns of business, particularly in relation to trade exposed industries. There are very high costs in prospect for trade exposed businesses. These costs will not be borne by their competitors in other countries.

“Putting in place appropriate fortification which will enable us to contribute to global emissions reduction while not damaging investment and jobs in Australia has to be given high priority.”

According to Ridout, the issues around the coal industry, the food industry and electricity generation are also very problematic.

“We have been urging both the Government and the Opposition to take a harder look at these areas,” she said.

“In terms of the timetable for the negotiations, as Ai Group has consistently argued, we believe that significant enhancements need to be made to the current CPRS Bill before it is enacted. While business is dealing with a degree of uncertainty around this issue, we need first to get the legislation right.”

Ai Group has come up with a list of areas where it believes improvements should be made to the Government’s current approach.

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