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Federal minister bemoans ‘lack of respect’ for science


Industry innovators must “embrace change” if Australia is to remain open to business in the global marketplace, it has been claimed, federal industry minister Arthur Sinodinos told the AFR today.

Senator Sinodinos also said that there is an “increasing lack of respect for the scientific method” and argued for “more research and more innovative thinking”.

His views were reported ahead of the National Press Club on Wednesday, where Senator Sinodinos will address some of the issues surrounding Australian and global industries, including their position on climate change.

“Increasingly, there has emerged a lack of respect for the scientific method in some quarters,” he said.

“The only credible response to these positions is scientific fact, and more research, and more innovative thinking.”

“This is why innovation and science are more important than ever. As the portfolio minister, I’m responsible for strengthening our commitments in these areas.”

“Our job as a nation is to embrace change, and derive the greatest benefits we can,” Senator Sinodinos concluded.


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