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Fast commissioning of temperature control loops

The new software-based B&R closed loop temperature control package makes commissioning of temperature control loops even faster. Special attention was given to automatically setting all closed loop control parameters.

Selected library function blocks in Automation Studio handle closed loop temperature control, and an intuitive user interface allows the user to easily select the temperature range and the temperature sensors used and to define the number of temperature zones required. Additional programming is not necessary.

Optimised handling of temperature control loops

The extensive package, which was designed for multi-channel temperature systems with up to 32 independent control loops, provides many auto-tuning possibilities for automatically setting control parameters. Special algorithms ensure that optimised control loop parameters are available for the machine at push of a button.

The compact interface of the controller function blocks also guarantees easy and flexible implementation in the respective automation project. An integrated Visual Components visualisation system with trend functionality, data recording and user level administration optimally rounds off the B&R software package. The closed loop temperature control package can be expanded as needed and adapted to the user’s individual requirements.

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