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Faro updates software platform

Faro has announced the availability of the Faro Scene 7.0 software platform, which is said to include the high-quality functionality offered by its predecessor, Scene 6.2.

This includes automatic object recognition, scan registration and position, and takes it a step further with integrated real time, on-site registration for Faro Focus Scanner 3D point clouds.

The unique value of Scene 7.0 can be uses in a diverse range of industries, including architecture, engineering, construction and public safety or any industry where there is a premium placed on capturing/scanning, analyzing and enhancing 3D data.

Previously, the process of taking an actual scan in the field, transferring that scan to a computer workstation/PC to start using the data was a three-step process. The project 3D scan data was stored on physical SD cards at the project site. Then the user would bring the SD card to the office and physically insert the SD card into a workstation/PC for download.

Finally, the scans, once all loaded from the SD cards, would be registered (i.e., logically integrated into a cohesive set of data points on the computer workstation/PC in the office and then the data would finally be ready for use).

Real time, on-site registration enables the 3D scan data, whether it be from a single scan or multiple scans in process simultaneously, to be wirelessly transmitted (i.e., no SD cards needed) directly to an onsite computer workstation/PC in real time. Additionally, the scans are automatically aligned on the workstation/PC computer in real time, in the field.  This enables a new set of  features  including:

  • Improved Productivity: In-office data processing has been dramatically reduced and, in some cases, eliminated altogether. Users come back to the office with a registered product and can get to work immediately. Additionally, the larger the project or the more scans required, the greater the realized efficiencies, in terms of project cycle time and human resources on site.
  • Enhanced Confidence: Faro focus scanner users are now able to preview scans/projects while still in the field, confirm that all of their project requirements have been accounted for while still in the field and make any necessary adjustments in the field in real time.


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