Free copies of Endress+Hauser’s annual company magazine Changes are now available upon request, with contributions from the founder of Wikipedia and other personalities.
Openness and transparency have affected a great deal in our world. In Changes, Endress+Hauser addresses the subject of openness and its affect on world politics, business and our personal philosophy on life.
CEO Klaus Endress explains why transparency and openness are essential for success, and reveals their influence on E+H’s decision making processes.
‘Openness makes virtually everything run faster and smoother, transparency cuts costs’, says Klaus Endress, E+H CEO.
Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, sociologist Klaus M. Leisinger and other interesting personalities explore chances and risks of the principle of openness in the fields of economy, politics, information technology and ethics.
Changes explores how Spain was able to benefit from the opening of the country in the late 70’s on its way to the economical success and prosperity it enjoys today.
For a free copy of the 2008 issue of Changes contact 1300 363 707,