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Editorial opportunity: Environment & Sustainability

PACE magazine is currently accepting expressions of interest and submissions for two feature streams on ‘Environment & Sustainability’ and ‘Energy Management’ in the April edition of the magazine.

If you are a vendor company supplying process, control, instrumentation and/or automation products and services to help Australian Industry lower their environment impact and help manage their energy consumption, the team at PACE is keen to hear from you.

We are also interested in hearing about manufacturing and process plants that have implemented a new process, control, instrumentation and/or automation system to help lower their environmental footprint, greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption.

By-lined feature submissions should be no longer than 1,000 words, and should be accompanied by at least two high-resolution images (300 dpi, 1MB minimum).

There is also the opportunity to be interviewed by PACE staff about your environmetally-friendly plant and/or solutions.

Expressions of interest should be emailed to the editor at

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