The EcoForum seminar, Climate change and resource security — building a platform for change, will explore the collateral impacts of climate change on other industries such as electricity generation, mining and minerals processing.
It will also analyse the impacts of climate change on the security of water for agriculture and food production.
The event will be presented by EcoForum in partnership with PricewaterhouseCoopers and facilitated by ABC journalist Tony Jones in Sydney on Wednesday 5 September, on the afternoon before the Australian Government’s APEC 2007 Business Summit.
The seminar will feature some of Australia’s most renowned industry experts, including Dr Graeme Pearman, Director, Monash Sustainability Institute; Phillip Glyde, Executive Director, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE); Michael Wiener, Manager Sustainable Development, SMEC International; Adjunct Professor Paul Perkins, Centre for Resource Economics & Sustainability, ANU and Business Roundtable for Sustainable Development; Andrew Petersen, Partner, PwC Legal and Eloise Aschberger, Sustainable Investment Manager, Lend Lease Investment Management.
Mr Howlett said, “EcoForum delegates will set the agenda for how this emerging public issue is managed. To that end, we have invited Malcolm Turnbull, the Australian Minister for the Environment, to share his vision for the future. Unfortunately, he is otherwise engaged in Tasmania, so we have offered the opportunity instead to his shadow, Peter Garrett.
“The industry representatives who will attend this benchmark event comprise a powerful group of high-ranking people who are interested in protecting our industries and country from the threats that can unravel from climate change.”
For more details, visit their website.