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CSIRO country-wide workshops for geology data access

An Australia-wide CSIRO workshop will showcase new technologies available to the geoscience community to access data about local geology.

CSIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship and its partners are conducting the workshop, called the AuScope Web Services Roadshow, in every state geological survey in Australia.

CSIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship is an important component of AuScope, a collaborative group working with Australia’s geological surveys to help people such as the minerals exploration industry and researchers in the resources arena access standardised digital data, according to CSIRO.

AuScope is helping to build an e-research infrastructure to federate nationally distributed data sets and develop tools to manipulate large data volumes.

In collaboration with the geological surveys it is also setting up an Australian Geoscience Information Network.

This Network will provide the ‘glue’ that enables the major geoscience and geospatial data stores of the government agencies to link with academic and industry communities and their applications, says CSIRO.

“The Australian Geoscience Information Network uses a coordinated cross-capability approach to resolving the data integration problem,” CSIRO Minerals Down Under Project Leader Ryan Fraser said.

“The result is an integrated Community Earth Model which can be accessed via the AuScope Discovery Portal that obtains its data live from the original custodians.”

The Roadshow workshop is designed to provide participants with a clear idea of what they need to do to establish data services that suit their requirements.

“The Roadshow will showcase the integrated Community Earth Model,” Fraser said.

“It will also show how the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) funded AuScope Ltd is establishing an Australian Geoscience Information Network to provide transparent access to computational tools and data and knowledge about the Australian geology”.

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