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CPRS delayed until 2011, industry remains positive

The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) welcomes the decision by Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, to delay the start date of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) until 2011, saying it will give businesses “time to adjust”.

Ai Group chief executive, Heather Ridout, said Ai Group has for some time argued for a delay in the start date, along with better arrangements for trade exposed businesses through allocation of permits and the Climate Change Action Fund.

“Robust measures to ensure the competitiveness of trade exposed industries are critical while costs of greenhouse gas emissions imposed on domestic industries are not also imposed on businesses in the countries with which we compete,” she said.

The government announced that the scheme would be delayed one year for a proposed start-date of 1st July 2011, along with a $10 a tonne fixed carbon price for its first year of operation until July 2012.

“The measures announced today represent substantial steps in each of these directions and demonstrate the Government’s recognition of the need to address businesses’ concerns over the impact on competitiveness and the difficulties of implementation. Accordingly, Ai Group calls on all sides of politics to come together and work towards a CPRS that is in Australia’s national interest,” said Ridout.

“Ai Group will continue to work with all political parties and independents to address outstanding areas of concern to members and to maintain the competitiveness of our economy.”

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