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Control manufacturers to seek help at QMan

A new $251 million Government initiative called Enterprise Connect which offers Queensland manufacturers business reviews to maximise their potential will be explained at the Queensland Manufacturer’s Conference (QMan).

Held at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre from October 21 to 23, QMan is sponsored by the Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME), the Institute of Instrumentation, Control & Automation Australia (IICA), and the Australian Industry Group (Ai Group).

The minister for innovation, industry, science and research, Kim Carr, launched the new $251 million Government initiative called Queensland Enterprise Connect Centre at the Brisbane Technology Park in Eight Mile Plains in early September. It was the third of 11 centres to be opened across the country to create a national network to help small and medium-sized enterprises.

Now, Enterprise Connect representatives will be on hand at QMan to explain the initiative, which is designed to give businesses access to ideas and technologies to boost productivity and increase competitiveness. A core service of Enterprise Connect is to provide business reviews, which are conducted by expert, independent business advisers, to eligible companies.

To find out more about QMan, visit the Reed Exhibitions website at or call John Delpech on 02 9422 2568.

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