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Cloud based data system wins innovation award

Reflex’s cloud based data platform Reflexhub-IQ was awarded the both the Most Innovative Collaborative Technology and the Minister’s Award for Excellence in Innovation at this year’s WA Information Technology and Telecommunications Alliance (WAITTA) INCITE Awards.

The awards recognise the research and development undertaken by software specialists in collaboration with geoscience professionals to create data platforms for use in the minerals industry.

Dr Michelle Carey, global product manager at Reflex Geosciences, said the system is “central to mining’s internet of things (IoT)”.

“It forms the information hub through which all our Reflex solutions connect to provide a robust chain of custody for exploration and mining data and an uninterrupted exchange of information between the project site and city based decision makers,” she said.

Reflexhub-IQ collects, sorts, and reports operational, geological, and assay data. It provides real-time access to the data which is stored in a secure cloud-based database. Together with Reflex’s connected driller operable survey, core orientation, and geoscience solutions, it enhances productivity and provides speed of insight for resource companies.

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