The Board of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) has appointed Ian Learmonth as its new Chief Executive Officer, to replace outgoing CEO Oliver Yates.
Learmonth has a strong background in financial services, both in Australia and internationally. He has advised and invested on a range of large-scale infrastructure projects, including renewable energy technologies.
CEFC Chair Ms Jillian Broadbent AO said: “The Board of the CEFC is delighted to welcome Ian as the new CEO. His diverse experience, demonstrated leadership and strategic thinking will serve the CEFC well in the next phase of our activities as we continue to deliver on our mission to catalyse new investment into the clean energy sector.”
Mr Learmonth said: “I look forward to leading the CEFC to fulfil its role in increasing the flows of finance into the clean energy sector and contributing to efforts to meet Australia’s targeted reductions in CO2 emissions.”