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Cisco’s Internet of Everything (IoE) Centre opens in Western Australia

Designed to bring industry and researchers together, Cisco’s Internet of Everything (IoE) Centre has been officially opened by Western Australian Premier, Colin Barnett, and is a three-way partnership between Cisco, Curtin University and energy company, Woodside.

Kevin Bloch Chief Technical Officer for Cisco ANZ, noted the huge potential IoT represents: “Our research quantifies and clearly illustrates the scale of connectivity and the level of Internet usage that will be reached over the next four years, and we urge businesses to look at the predicted growth and get ready. Online connectivity is already one of the most important ways to keep in touch with your customers, workers, partners and others. If you don’t, someone else will.”
The Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) predicts that IP traffic in Australia will increase three-fold by 2019 with a compound annual growth rate of 22 per cent.
IP traffic will reach a massive 1.4 Exabytes (1018) per month in 2019, up from 499 Petabytes (1015) per month in 2014. This equates to 45 Petabytes per day in 2019 (up from 16 Petabytes per day in 2014).
“To put this in some context, that’s 154 times the amount of traffic in 2005,” Mr Bloch said.
“This type of growth is unparalleled. Our research shows that technology and connectedness are being embraced and driven by consumers faster than businesses have time to adapt or that the current network has the capacity to hold. The implications of this are that growth and, importantly, consumer satisfaction will be hampered by companies’ technological shortfalls.”

The WA Premier said the new Centre would cement Perth’s position as a global technology leader as it “will assist Western Australia to become a global collaborator in research and innovation, offering us a competitive advantage for investment, new businesses and creating jobs,” Mr. Barnett said.

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