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CETO Seawater Desalination pilot plant gets $1.27m AusIndustry grant

Wave energy developer Carnegie Wave Energy has been awarded a $1.27m AusIndustry grant from the Clean Technology Innovation Program to support a CETO Seawater Desalination Demonstration Pilot Plant.

The award of the funding supports the design and construction of a CETO Desalination Plant which will desalinate seawater to produce freshwater. The plant will be directly powered by CETO hydraulic energy from an offshore CETO system.

[Named after a Greek sea goddess, the CETO wave power converter is fully-submerged to produce high pressure water from the power of waves.]

The aim is to demonstrate that CETO wave energy driven seawater desalination has the potential to significantly and sustainably reduce the amount of electricity consumed, and hence the associated greenhouse gas emissions produced, by seawater desalination.

The CETO desalination pilot will be co-located with Carnegie's Perth Wave Energy Project (PWEP) on Garden Island, integrating off-the-shelf reverse osmosis desalination technology with the PWEP infrastructure.

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Carnegie’s existing licence agreement with the Australian Department of Defence makes provision for the production and supply of freshwater from PWEP to the HMAS Stirling navy base on Garden Island.

The grant is subject to a number of conditions including the drafting and signing of a funding agreement, an AusIndustry review of the project budget, Carnegie completing the site characterisation and project design, as well as the delivery of Carnegie's Perth Wave Energy Project.

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