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Australia’s Additive Manufacturing Hub prepares to launch

investment has been described as insufficient ahead of the official launch of the Additive
Manufacturing Hub.

Fairfax reports that Shane Infanti, CEO of Australian
Manufacturing Technology Institute Limited – which is running the
hub – has said the country’s investment compared poorly to some other countries.

“The Singapore government is putting hundreds of
millions of dollars into additive manufacturing, and so are the US and the UK,”
he told Fairfax.

The hub, which was started by the CSIRO and has been handed
over to Infanti’s group, is about to be officially launched.

It is described as “an
industry driven collaborative network of organisations that will foster and
grow the additive manufacturing sector” and includes the CSIRO, universities, and businesses.

“There is an ecosystem of organisations: technology
suppliers and users, government agencies that can be supportive and provide
funding, and research institutes,” said Infanti.

The first event held by the group will be on August 13 at the Riverside Life Sciences Centre, North Ryde.


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