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Australian company working on giant-sized 3D printer

Australian company ART 3D & Advanced Rollforming Technology, based in Thomastown, aims to make a giant 3D printer available by October.

3D Printing Industry reports that ART 3D’s first (and smallest) giant-sized machine will be 1 metre wide, 1 metre deep and 400 mm tall, and will have a footprint of 1,400 mm by 1,400 mm.

The company was started by Jason Simpson and his father to create components and machinery for the manufacturing industry.

“In the mid 90′s we started building our first robotic X-Ray system for Berthold Australia, end customer being ASIO (The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation),” Simpson told 3D Printing Industry.

“With the success of that, we started to do many things from medical imaging equipment to equipment to aid the manufacturing of radio pharmaceuticals, including radiation protection equipment.”

The machine that the Simpsons are currently working on “has 4 separate zones for heating using less than 2000 watts in total for all 4 zones heating up to 120 degrees,” as well as a 12-rail system for the x and y-axes, with four extruders printing with 3 mm and 1.75 mm filaments, and uses a Windows 8 operating system. They aim to keep its price below $100,000.

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