The Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association (PACIA) today welcomed the decision by the Senate to pass the repeal of the carbon tax.
“The swift repeal within this first sitting of the new Senate is a positive outcome for business confidence. This means we have avoided further complexities associated with retrospective implementation of the carbon tax repeal,” said Samantha Read, PACIA CEO.
“The high fixed price of carbon, which far exceeded that of our key trading partners, was an additional burden for our industry that is already operating in a highly competitive global market.
“Businesses in the Australian chemistry industry headed into the 2014-15 financial year uncertain of whether they would face a $25.40 price on carbon. This has significantly impacted operating and forward planning activities. Today’s repeal ends this uncertainty.
“The Australian chemistry industry supports effective action to mitigate the impacts of climate change. We play a positive role in the development of products, technologies and solutions that improve efficiency and help reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.
“We will continue to work with the Government to ensure that future climate change policy is effective in meeting Australia’s international commitments to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, while allowing the industry to play its role as a key contributor to the Australian economy,” said Read.