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Andrew Stevens appointed as ISA board chair

The former managing director of IBM Australia and New Zealand and chair of the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre, Andrew Stevens will be supported by Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel AO, who has been appointed for a further two years as deputy ISA board chair.

Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews said the appointment of Mr Andrew Stevens as incoming chair would provide a renewed focus for ISA in 2019.

“Mr Stevens brings a wealth of experience to the ISA Board, building on the strong foundation created under the leadership of the former chair Mr Bill Ferris AC,” Andrews said.

“Dr Finkel will provide an important bridge between the work of ISA and the new National Science and Technology Council chaired by the Prime Minister.”

Professor Elanor Huntington, the first female Dean of Engineering and Computer Science at the Australian National University, and Professor Raoul Mortley AO have also been newly appointed to the ISA Board.

“Professor Huntington and I are both passionate about encouraging more young women to take up science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers, and I am excited about the experience and perspective that she will bring to the ISA Board,” Andrews said.

“Professor Mortley will also bring his experience of the higher education sector and knowledge in areas including the humanities and intellectual property.”

Maile Carnegie and Paul Bassat have been reappointed.

“With the new Board membership, ISA will be able to deliver high impact, fit for purpose advice to government to drive economic growth and help improve the lives of all Australians through innovation,” said Andrews.

“It is critical that we get this right, as innovation touches each and every one of us in our daily lives.”

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