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‘Air-audits’ for compression success: Champion Compressors

A spokesperson from Champion Compressors, speaking at the recent Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) Environmental Solutions Forum in Melbourne, has claimed that conducting an ‘air-audit’ can help companies with compressed air systems to get the best out of their technology.

Champion Compressors executive sales, service and marketing manager, Mark Ferguson, shared the company’s views on best practices, highlighting areas where energy savings can be made.

According to a press release from Champion Compressors, Ferguson’s presentation was “warmly received” by the attending industry representatives, and complemented the other guest presentations exploring short-payback strategies for reducing environmental impact.

“By focussing on three key areas—measurement, diagnosis and matching the compressor to the application—enormous savings can be realised,” said Ferguson.

“We feel we have a responsibility to share these strategies with industry. The first step in addressing the shortfalls in existing compressed-air systems is to conduct a comprehensive air-audit.”

Using Champion Compressors’ AirMetrix System Assessment measurement and analysis tool as an example, Ferguson explained how air audits can reveal how much compressed air is being used and how much is being wasted.

“Air audits can provide a detailed breakdown of air demands from different processes in a facility over time, and quantify both the demand variability and peak requirements for a system,” he said. “The analysis of this data can determine the energy savings available from alternative compressed-air solutions—and help calculate associated payback periods.”

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