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Advanced manufacturing, discussed

Advanced Manufacturing Australia will host its third international conference in 2008 with the theme of “Understanding the Shape of Future Global Manufacturing”, with a focus on identifying where and how Australia’s Advanced Manufacturing industry fits.

The conference will draw together speakers from industry, academia and government to provide a holistic snapshot of where we stand today and how industry and individual businesses need to develop to ensure sustainability in the future global manufacturing environment.

Speaker presentations will aim to give detailed insights into the Australian governments’ plans for positioning

Australia as a key centre for innovation and also various specialist speakers will be invited including “Manufacturing Futurists” to help gain an understanding of the short, medium and long term future competitive environment for manufacturing companies in Australia.

The conference will also explore the changing nature and dynamics of global supply chains and international

trading relationships. Specialist speakers will demonstrate examples of how foreign competitor industries are

preparing for the future of global manufacturing and also interpret the context of the Australian industry and its

particular global competitive pressures.

Where: Hilton Melbourne Airport

When: October 30, 2008

For further information, visit

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