ABB has been named number one Enterprise Asset Management software supplier in Asia and Latin America, according to ARC Advisory Group research.
The research is titled “Enterprise Asset Management and Field Service Management Solutions Worldwide Outlook”.
Mincom, acquired by ABB in July 2011, was ranked the leading global EAM supplier to the mining and minerals, and electricity transmission and distribution sectors; and ranked second EAM provider to the aerospace and defence sector. Mincom was also named lead EAM provider in Asia and Latin America.
Ventyx, acquired by ABB in June 2010, maintains second position among EAM vendors serving the global electric power generation, refining, and water and wastewater sectors. It has also been rated the second-leading EAM market leader in North America.
With the combined business of Mincom and Ventyx, ABB is now the world’s largest supplier of EAM to the electric power generation market.
According to ABB, increasingly automation for processes means software is becoming a critical part of asset-intensive industries.
Real-time information management and enterprise-wide visibility are also becoming key differentiators in a highly competitive sector.
EAM solutions facilitate the management of an organization’s fleet of physical assets over their entire lifecycle, from design and production, through commissioning, operations and maintenance, to decommissioning and recycling.
ABB says its solutions allows clients to manage the assets on a company-wide basis to reduce downtime, optimise investment and maintenance costs and extend the operational life of installations, thereby enhancing operational performance and minimising total cost of ownership.