ABB has helped Oceanlinx to construct a 250kW Wave Energy Conversion unit — a full-scale prototype designed to extract energy from ocean waves and convert it to electricity or to convert ocean water to clean water.
The Wave Energy Conversion unit was completed at the ABB Performance Service Centre located in Port Kembla, NSW. The unit can save thousands of tonnes of CO2 and SO2 emissions annually, says ABB.
It is a full-scale prototype with a unique commercially-efficient system for extracting energy from ocean waves and converting it to electricity, or utilising that energy to produce clean, fresh water from brine.
ABB was involved in fabrication modifications and installation of the Wave Energy Conversion unit hood and steel work — including stiffening sections of the structure and fabricating two watertight doors.
Oceanlinx Limited is an international company working in wave energy conversion. It developed the proprietary technology for extracting energy from ocean waves and converting it into electricity, or utilising that energy to provide desalinated industrial or potable grade water from sea water.
Oceanlinx has a power purchase agreement with Australian utility Integral Energy for the supply of electricity from the 250kW prototype unit.
All work was finished on schedule in early February, enabling the unit to be floated out to its operational location off the breakwater north of Port Kembla harbour, NSW.
“ABB were professional, safety conscious and flexible in meeting all our requirements and we have been delighted with the fabrication, modifications and installation work performed,” said Oceanlinx chief operating officer, Stuart Weylandsmith.
Oceanlinx’s core patented technology is an oscillating water column (OWC) device, based on the established science of wave energy, but one which, when compared to other OWC technologies offers major improvements in the design of the system, the turbine, and in construction technique, according to ABB.
The technology has been successfully constructed and tested with the first full scale Oceanlinx wave plant, installed at Port Kembla producing zero CO2 and SO2 pollution.